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93 Results Found for "CAN"


Teacher Clarity: Making Learning Visible for Students

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 3:30pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher and John Almarode

With an effect size of .74, which is well above average, teacher clarity is low-hanging fruit when it comes to students’ learning. We can choose to increase clarity tomorrow and reap the benefits. Just ask Doug Fisher, coauthor of The Teacher Clarity Playbook, and John Almarode, coauthor of Clarity for Learning. Teacher clarity just requires that you know what students need to learn, communicate learning intentions and success criteria to students, and deliver lessons in a coherent way so students will learn more. Attend this webinar for expert insight on how to get started.

Jumpstart Student Reasoning and Number Sense in Elementary Grades and Beyond

Monday, November 18, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by John SanGiovanni

Do your students struggle with number sense and reasoning? Are you looking to jumpstart your students’ engagement with activities that are uncomplicated, worthwhile, and doable? In this session led by John SanGiovanni, participants learn about dynamic, practical routines for developing number sense and fluency with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, and operations. A collection of ready-for-use resources will be provided as well as classroom clips that model how to use the resources.

Where Equity Fits In to PLC+

Monday, March 23, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey

Equity lies at the heart of what we strive to achieve in schools. But equity cannot be accomplished without action. Professional learning communities can be engines for action, but only if they are intentionally attuned to issues of equity. Join Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey in this webinar focused on the PLC+ structure’s cross-cutting value of equity, which marries concept with action to change the trajectory of student learning.

Spirit Work and the Science of Collaboration

Monday, February 14, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Michael Fullan and Mark Edwards

Based around the stories of 8 school districts, this webinar with Michael Fullan and Mark Edwards will share their insights about how deep caring for others linked to collaboration can achieve amazing results under complex conditions. Through powerful case studies and vignettes, the authors will discuss how spirit and collaboration represent revolutionary potential for education and pave the way to a brighter future.

Culturally Relevant Math Tasks in the Classroom

Monday, March 21, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Lou E. Matthews, Shelly M. Jones, and Yolanda A. Parker

In this webinar, the authors of Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks will explore how teachers can find, adapt, and implement math tasks that engage and empower students by helping them learn and understand math more deeply and make connections to themselves, their communities, and the world around them.

Don't Suspend Me!

Monday, April 4, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jessica and John Hannigan

Inequities in school discipline remain a challenge nationwide. It's time that educators learned what actions they can take to create positive, meaningful long-term changes in behavior instead of suspending students from school.

Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom

Monday, August 1, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Serena Pariser

We can all have that classroom we dreamed about when we first chose to enter the teaching profession. In this webinar, Serena Pariser will uncover the steps to creating a dynamic classroom and answer questions that linger in the mind of a newer teacher or teachers looking to refresh their teaching practice.

Move and Learn

Monday, September 12, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by David Sladkey, Scott Miller

Quick physical and mental activities are perfect for transitions and help learners re-focus and refresh. Join David Sladkey and Scott Miller for this exciting webinar to discover the surprising effects of incorporating movement in the classroom and come away with ready-to-go Brain Breaks that you can use with your students.

Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice

Monday, October 24, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Courtney Koestler, Jennifer Ward, Eva Thanheiser, and Tonya Bartell

This webinar will walk through the process of applying critical frameworks to instruction, using standards-based mathematics to explore, understand, and respond to social justice issues. Learn to plan instruction that engages children in mathematics explorations through age-appropriate sample lessons and focus on how to build classrooms in which such lessons can be implemented.

Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams

Monday, November 21, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Laurel Peltier, Albert Johnson-Mussad

Ignite a spirit of inquiry and discover how to approach IEP and 504 Team meetings as an opportunity to strengthen relationships and networks of support. Join authors Albert Johnson-Mussad and Laurel Peltier as they present their framework for identifying opportunities to build connections between educators, establish relationships with service providers, strengthen school-family partnerships, address inequities, and develop student self-determination.
