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The Corwin Story

Whom you partner with matters. Watch our video and read our story to learn why you should partner with Corwin.


At Corwin, we take pride that we are and always will be a fiercely independent family-owned business. Our stakeholders are learners all over the world: that’s whom we invest in; that’s whom we want to live rich, abundant lives through education. We love that being an independent, privately held company allows us to offer resources and services that come from a deep-welled vision about the purpose of education.

Twenty-eight years ago, on the eve of profound political, cultural, and social change, CEO David McCune challenged us at Corwin to dream, to dare, and to innovate. So dream, dare, and innovate we did, quickly establishing ourselves as the essential source of what works best, when, and for whom in education.

We accomplish this through resources and services hand-hewn by the finest thought leaders and practitioners in the field across all areas of inquiry:

  • First, still, and always by sustaining our long legacy of visionary and courageous publications

  • Followed next by long-term consulting services in collaboration with thousands of districts to effect deeper professional learning

  • Most recently by our long-term partnership with John Hattie to scale Visible LearningPlus worldwide

  • And soon, by an innovative new suite of online course offerings for teacher recertification, skill building, and badging

Our mantra: Every student learning—not by chance, but by design.

What does the future hold? More and more innovating in partnership with our authors, our consultants, and the educators we serve. We are convinced that public education is the foundation of a thriving democracy so to us “efficacy” is a matter of equity. Each learner, from Thousand Oaks to Toronto to Melbourne, deserves leaders and teachers who know their influence on students, and have the tools to evaluate their impact and evolve their instruction accordingly each and every day.

What We Believe

We believe that all children can learn and that all means ALL

We believe that knowing our impact is a privilege and a responsibility

We believe that education is the cornerstone of a just, stable, and thriving society

We believe in the fierce urgency of now - it is reflected daily in our work and our actions

We believe that every child deserves a great education, not by chance, but by design