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Corwin Institutes

About Corwin Institutes

Learn. Collaborate. Leave Inspired...


Corwin Institutes are multi-day professional learning events that provide collaborative and collegial forums with world-class presenters ranging in topics from Educational Leadership, Visible Learning, PLC education, Literacy, Equity, and more. Educators at all levels will walk away with tools, ideas, and action plans they can immediately implement to begin transforming teaching and learning. Corwin Institutes offer you the opportunity to:

  • Learn from top education practitioners in the field
  • Take home practical and actionable strategies that will make an immediate impact in your schools
  • Engage in thought-provoking conversations and collaboration with your team as well as other school teams from across the country
  • Participate in high-energy, interactive sessions that allow you to apply what you're learning

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What Corwin customers are saying...

"I have attended 6 national conferences this year and this conference is by far the best one! It had the best collection of speakers and presenters, they gave practical solutions and actionable recommendations, and they told the truth about our educational reality today. I am headed home with strategies that I can implement tomorrow to make an impact on kids."

—Cory LeClair, Assistant Superintendent


“This was so powerful. It was moving beyond belief and inspirational.” 

— Valerie C., Assistant Superintendent

“[The presenter] had an excellent grasp on the needs of trainers and teachers pertaining to implementation of the Common Core. I feel that the two days helped me sort through some of the questions I had about the CCSS. This Institute provided all teachers in our corner of the state the opportunity to hear nationally renowned education leaders without having to leave home!” 

— Phoebe B., Director

“Certainly, the content and applications exceeded my expectations. Even better, I have resources from all over the world to help me define and achieve success for our students. I am ready to make an impact with my staff & students.” 

— Anna F., School Leader

"The conversation in the hallway alone was worth the price of the institute admission because I was able to meet with colleagues and we have agreed to move forward together with Gary Howard’s equity principles."

- Marla I., Director of Student Learning Programs