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virtual PD for teams

Virtual Workshops

Corwin’s virtual workshops combine the best practices of adult learning theory with expert facilitation and the anytime, anywhere capabilities of virtual environments. See how we are unleashing the power of social learning through intentionally designed virtual PD.



Virtual PD for System Change

Our system-wide consulting services are grounded in research and utilize cycles of evaluation and implementation so PD is embedded, sustainable, and keeps student learning and achievement where it should be—front and center.


visible learning

Visible Learning+ virtual professional learning options are now available so that you can begin or continue your journey of evaluating your impact and focusing on the practices that accelerate student learning and achievement.

Explore Visible Learning+




The PLC+ suite of engaging virtual workshops support teams in identifying and nurturing effective and impactful practices.

Explore PLC+



 deep equity

Deep Equity is a comprehensive and systemic professional development process aimed at producing the deep personal, professional, and organizational transformations that are necessary to create equitable places of learning for all of our nation’s children.

Explore Deep Equity




Virtual PD for Teaching and Learning

Through our relationships with education’s most trusted experts, we’re able to offer a breadth of professional learning opportunities at both the schoolwide and classroom levels.



The Distance Learning live, virtual workshops support educators in building both our students' capacity (and our own) for distance learning through the application of Visible Learning research. 

Explore Distance Learning




social-emotional learning

Discover how Building Resilience on-site and virtual consulting services can help you take a whole-staff approach to foster resilience in both students living with trauma and the educators who work with them.

Explore Building Resilience





teacher clarity

The Teacher Clarity live, synchronous virtual workshops support teachers in collaborative teams to identify learning intentions and discuss ideas for instruction, review student work, and figure out if their efforts have been fruitful, and talk about students who need additional instruction to be successful.

Explore Teacher Clarity



 collaborative leadership

Learn about live, virtual workshops in the Collaborative Leadership and Instructional Leadership series focused on the leadership moves that have the greatest impact on school success.

Explore Collaborative Leadership




How Virtual PD Works

Our virtual consulting services are delivered in 1 ½- or 2-hour sessions over the course of several weeks, allowing educators to learn in bite-sized chunks and practice new skills between sessions.

See our PD design




Talk to your Corwin Professional Learning Advisor about your virtual PD options.