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Our Approach to Professional Learning

To achieve results, there needs to be a philosophy that intentionally guides the practices needed for those results to occur. At Corwin, we call this philosophy our Theory of Change.

We believe there are five evidence-based structures and conditions that need to exist within a school or district's structure in order to support the transfer of professional learning into school or classroom practice:


Our first step in working with our clients is to learn more about your school environment, learning culture, and strategic priorities. Our strengths-based model takes a look at what you’re doing well, where there are gaps, and what type of professional learning will meet your goals. Context allows us to work collaboratively with you to build a professional learning plan customized to your school or district’s unique needs. 

Educator Learning

Effective professional learning needs to be continuous and sustained. We partner with clients to establish structures where there is continuous follow-up, application, refinement, and implementation after onsite learning happens. This means educator learning is sustained and continues long after the PD is complete. 

Planning & Implementation

It is essential for educators to have a structure in which to plan, apply, and implement their new or refined practices. Our PD services give educators the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to deepen their understanding of deliberate practices.

Student Learning

We believe it’s critical for educators to know how their professional learning is impacting their students — and that it’s imperative that professional learning opportunities are designed around educators making sure students can see and take ownership of their own learning. Our role in this part of the process is to give educators the tools that help determine their impact and efficacy.


Professional learning must make a measurable, sustained impact on student learning. We help our partners determine their impact by giving them the tools they need to see whether the new practices they’ve implemented are having the desired impact on educator and student learning.

 Ready to get started?

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How We Measure

PD with Measurable Impact

So, you’ve done the hard work to prepare for your professional development efforts. You have a plan for the delivery of that professional development that includes not only the workshops to build the knowledge as well as the implementation and coaching days needed to ensure your educators can best transfer what they’ve learned to their classrooms. How do you make sure the plan is effective and leads to the success of teachers and students?

That’s where Corwin’s Efficacy Model comes in. Our model is focused on creating multiple touchpoints along your professional learning journey, so you can assess the program’s efficacy and impact. Instead of summarizing your efforts after the fact, our process allows for formative assessments along the course of your plan as it’s happening, offering the opportunity to adjust course to best meet your goals.

Dashboards & SurveysEfficacy Model

Corwin’s impact survey and data dashboard allow you to monitor your district’s progress toward achieving professional learning goals. These real-time feedback loops allow you to build individual and collective efficacy across your district based on visible, measurable results.

Where do you want to take your school or district? Work with Corwin to know you’re heading in the right direction and measure your impact along the way.

Ready to Get Started?

Speak with a PD advisor today!

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