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Search Results

86 Results Found for "visible learning"


Common Formative Assessments 2.0 Alignment

The Links Between the Research

Many Corwin programs are natural extensions of the Visible Learning research. Deepen your school change efforts with Larry Ainsworth’s CFA 2.0. Teacher clarity has an effect size of .75: “Spend more time working through their notions of what success looks like in terms of the balance of surface and deep before they teach the lesson” (p. 86). The table below illustrates ways in which CFA 2.0 supports teacher clarity.


The Corwin Story

Whom you partner with matters. Watch our video and read our story to learn why you should partner with Corwin.

Collective Equity

The Collective Equity Framework

The Collective Equity framework is built with practical strategies and tools to catalyze educators around the work of repairing the damage that has been caused by inequitable systems across generations and to create conditions in which all members of the community can thrive. The framework is built upon shared accountability where truths are identified, explored, and reckoned with and where individual cultural experiences are valued.
