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86 Results Found for "visible learning"


Evaluating Instructional Leadership Alignment

In the forward for Ray and Julie’s book, Evaluating Instructional Leadership, Professor John Hattie poses a question:

One of the greatest powers of a school leader is that they have the power to create the narrative in their schools. Is it a narrative of curriculum, test, scores, bus timetables, tracking—the peripherals of schools that need school on student learning—learning in the widest senses?

Get Started

We believe that student learning is directly affected by the professional learning culture we create.

Thanks to John Hattie’s Visible Learning research, we know that educators—people who impact nearly every teacher and student initiative in your school and district—MUST be adept in leveraging these high effect-size practices to create the greatest impact on student learning. It requires intentional strategy that is supported by three key elements: Culture, Clarity, and Collaboration.

Our Impact

On-site professional learning with sustainable results

Corwin Literacy Author Consultants

Why Are Corwin Literacy Author Consultants in Such Demand?

Because each and every one is so profoundly committed to students and teachers, and to making every school in America crackle with intellectual and creative spark. Corwin Literacy Author Consultants offer one- two-, and three-day workshops and multiday residencies on subjects as diverse as

VLL Testimonials

See what your colleagues are saying! The quotes below were taken from feedback forms submitted by actual 2018 Visible Learning for Literacy workshop attendees. 


"Excellent presentation! I loved your examples and the stories you shared regarding your experiences. Very motivating!"


"Doug is a great motivational speaker! Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge!"

