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51 Results Found for "Institutes"


Deep Equity

Deep Equity Consulting Service Overview 

Deep Equity - carving new pathways to personal, professional, and organizational transformation.

Visible Learning for Literacy

"Visible learning is about knowing that you have an impact on students. It’s about figuring out what that impact is and monitoring that impact so that you know you are making a difference. Visible learning makes the learning process obvious, clear, and notable for you as the teacher as well as for your students. Learning to share data with students and having them create their own goals is magic in the classroom.”
–Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey


Youth Equity Stewardship Structure

The Path to YES!

Youth Equity Stewardship Model

The five phases of Youth Equity Stewardship ignite a creative energy in students and staff to lead social change.


VLL Testimonials

See what your colleagues are saying! The quotes below were taken from feedback forms submitted by actual 2018 Visible Learning for Literacy workshop attendees. 


"Excellent presentation! I loved your examples and the stories you shared regarding your experiences. Very motivating!"


"Doug is a great motivational speaker! Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge!"


Assessment Resources

Assessment-based professional development that encourages educators to partner with students and drive instruction that impacts learning.  

Bring teams of educators together to intentionally align their pre- and post-common formative assessments, generate high-quality learning intentions derived from the standards and appropriate success criteria, and plan for learning progressions with formative quick checks that lead to attaining the standard and provide evidence-based assessment.
