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51 Results Found for "Institutes"




Corwin’s PLC+ provides a comprehensive method of engaging educators in a cycle of learning through inquiry. This practical and evidence-based framework, developed by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey supports:

Company Timeline

1990 Corwin is established as a division of SAGE by CEO David McCune, with Gracia Alkema as its founding president
1991 First Corwin book published: Decentralization: The Administrator Guidebook to School District Change by Daniel J. Brown

Contact Us

At Corwin, we have one objective and one objective only: to help you do your important work better. We offer a host of independent and integrated professional learning options that conform with your budget, your timeline, and your objectives: books and resources; institutes; author consulting; Visible Learning and eCourses

Customer Service

A customer service representative is always available Monday through Friday, 6:00am - 5:00pm PST

Leadership With Impact – Professional Books & Services for Education Leaders

Tools, strategies, and vision to turn school, district, and system initiatives into teacher and student growth

Evidence-based and peer-reviewed titles, from well-known education leadership authors like Michael Fullan, Peter DeWitt, Lyn Sharratt,  and more, as well as new voices with research-based resources for professional learning, digital leadership, coaching, instructional leadership, school reform, education improvement make us the trusted source for school and district leadership.


Deep Equity

What You’ll Learn

By engaging in the Deep Equity model, educators will learn to dismantle educational disparities through their own sustained, collaborative efforts and courageous leadership by:
