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10 Results Found for "CFA"

Common Formative Assessments 2.0


Common Formative Assessments (CFA) 2.0 is an integrated and systemic approach that demonstrates timely, credible evidence of teacher impact on student learning. Customizable to any unit of curriculum, CFA 2.0 uses student feedback as diagnostic data to adjust and differentiate instruction.

This on-site professional learning is beneficial for:

  • Teams that are new to CFA
  • Teams who could use a refresher on CFA
  • Teams who have been using CFA for years

What is CFA 2.0?

Developed by Larry Ainsworth, the Common Formative Assessments 2.0 process has developed beyond the six steps outlined in the original program, and now includes four new steps for critiquing for quality using established assessment guidelines. 

CFA 2.0 Workshops

Using the CFA 2.0 process, grade-level or course-level teacher teams collaboratively create unit-based assessments to assess student understanding of learning intentions derived from the standards. The process allows teachers to intentionally align their pre- and post-assessments and use the resulting student feedback as diagnostic data to adjust and differentiate instruction. 


Common Formative Assessments 2.0 Alignment

The Links Between the Research

Many Corwin programs are natural extensions of the Visible Learning research. Deepen your school change efforts with Larry Ainsworth’s CFA 2.0. Teacher clarity has an effect size of .75: “Spend more time working through their notions of what success looks like in terms of the balance of surface and deep before they teach the lesson” (p. 86). The table below illustrates ways in which CFA 2.0 supports teacher clarity.


Assessment Resources

Assessment-based professional development that encourages educators to partner with students and drive instruction that impacts learning.  

Bring teams of educators together to intentionally align their pre- and post-common formative assessments, generate high-quality learning intentions derived from the standards and appropriate success criteria, and plan for learning progressions with formative quick checks that lead to attaining the standard and provide evidence-based assessment.