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16 Results Found for "CA4"

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Lindsey, Delores

Delores B. Lindsey

Delores B. Lindsey, Ph.D. guides educational leaders to examine their organizations’ policies and practices, and their individual beliefs and values about cross-cultural communication. Her message to her audiences focuses on culturally proficient leadership practices.

Lindsey, Randall

Randall B. Lindsey

Randall B. Lindsey, Ph.D. is Emeritus Professor at California State University, Los Angeles. He has a practice centered on educational consulting on issues related to equity and diversity.

Warner, Amber

Amber Nicole Warner

Amber Warner is a licensed clinical social worker with over twenty years of experience as a community outreach case manager, school social worker, medical social worker, and behavior health therapist. She has had additional professional development in Positive Psychology, cognitive behavior therapy and trauma-informed care.

Wade Colwell

Wade Antonio Colwell is a learner. His calling to education involves serving school communities as a "creative catalyst" for deepening and healing relationships across generation and difference.

Willie Adams

Willie Adams is a dedicated educator with an undying passion for equity in education. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Film and Media Studies from the University of California, Irvine, in 1996 and his Masters of Arts in Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults from the University of San Francisco in 2008.

Krownapple, John

John Joseph Krownapple

John Krownapple specializes in facilitating professional learning and organizational development focused on social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. Since 2007 he has led the development and implementation of one of the first and most comprehensive Cultural Proficiency programs in the United States.

Velasco, Moses

Moses Velasco

Moses Velasco is a Professional Learning Leader with Toronto District School Board. He has held several teacher leadership positions at both the school level and central departments. Moses is passionate about the critical role teachers play in improving education by expanding their understanding and exercise of leadership and influence. 

Patricia McDonald

Patricia McDonald is a consultant passionate about challenging current and future educators to engage in critical conversations necessary to create culturally responsive learning environments for all students.

Jean Barbanente

Barbanente is a practitioner consultant on Corwin’s Deep Equity team leading Deep Equity implementation in Illinois’s second most diverse high school district.

Waldo Alvarado

Waldo Alvarado is the Director of Equity & Diversity at the Reading School District in PA. He brings to this position over 30 years of combined teaching, counseling, consulting, and school administration experience. He holds PA certifications as K-12 Principal and as Secondary School Counselor.
