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Waldo Alvarado

Waldo Alvarado is the Director of Equity & Diversity at the Reading School District in PA. He brings to this position over 30 years of combined teaching, counseling, consulting, and school administration experience. He holds PA certifications as K-12 Principal and as Secondary School Counselor. He is a former Fulbright scholar at the University of Pennsylvania where he earned a Master’s Degree in Psychological Services in Education. Mr. Alvarado was a faculty member in the Department of Psychology & Education at the University of Central América (UCA). He also has extensive experience in private counseling work. Mr. Alvarado is a practioner consultant certified by Corwin’s Deep Equity Program, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and the Education Trust’s National Center for Transforming School Counseling. He has presented a number of Intercultural Competence and Equity Professional Learning Workshops across the country. Mr. Alvarado is coordinating the Reading School District's journey towards Equity, and Excellence. This is a multi-year and comprehensive process. The District has been organized in equity teams to implement the process of equitable teaching & leading practices by engaging professional and support staff as well as parents and students. High School students and teachers are engaged in an inter-generational collaboration to bring about positive school climate improvement. During his tenure as Director of Equity, the Reading School District was recognized with the 2017 Courageous Institution Award by the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium.

Certified in
  • Deep Equity