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Virtual Consulting

Collaborative Leadership Virtual Consulting

In the Collaborative Leadership virtual consulting series, new and veteran educators in all leadership positions will develop the skills and expertise to work collaboratively on what matters most in teaching and learning. You’ll learn the six factors that should be our biggest priorities as leaders, according to the Visible Learning research:

  • Building collective efficacy
  • Fostering assessment-capable learners
  • Giving and receiving high-quality feedback
  • Engaging families
  • Professional learning and development
  • Developing principals and leaders

Participant Outcomes

Participants in this virtual consulting series will learn:

  • The definition and complexities of collaborative leadership

  • The 6 influences from John Hattie’s research
  • How to redesign structures you have in place to have deeper and more impactful conversations with teachers, students, and parents
  • How to identify effective strategies for improvement
  • How to increase consistency in providing feedback to teachers based on a common set of agreed-upon components of effective teaching
  • Activities to use with their staff to elicit Teacher Voice and input into coaching, thus increasing teachers’ investment
  • The “Claims, Evidence, Impact, Judgment” model for providing feedback to teachers
  • How to communicate best practices and become a resource to all educators

Available Sessions

This series of live virtual consulting sessions is delivered in 2-hour increments to fit educators’ needs and schedules. Participants can develop plans and practice applying skills in between weekly or biweekly sessions. Talk to your Corwin Professional Learning Advisor about how our virtual PD design supports continuous growth over the course of the series.

Sessions in this series:

  • Introduction to Collaborative Leadership (2 hours)
  • Collective Efficacy (2 hours)
  • The Power of Feedback on Learning (2 hours)
  • Student & Family Engagement (2 hours)
  • Leadership Impact (3 hours)

Instructional Leadership Virtual Consulting


Whether we are experiencing pandemic learning, which is virtual learning in crisis, or just trying to focus on high quality virtual learning, being an instructional leader is more important than ever. Many schools were not prepared to go full-on virtual overnight. How could they be? Our teacher and leadership prep programs do not offer classes in teaching during a pandemic, and don’t even offer a class in how to teach virtually.

In this webinar series, participants will learn about the most important elements of instructional leadership from Dr. Peter DeWitt’s book Instructional Leadership: Creating Practice Out of Theory. The book focuses on 50 years of research, as well as practical steps leaders can take in this virtual time, which can be used when we all can come back together in school as well.



Participant Outcomes

In this virtual consulting series, participants will learn about the 6 most important elements of instructional leadership:

  • Implementation
  • Focus for learning
  • Student engagement
  • Instructional strategies
  • Leadership efficacy
  • Evidence of impact

Available Sessions

All of these live virtual consulting sessions take into account the need for participant dialogue, and will run like a workshop model where participants will receive graphic organizers to use for reflection and be able to collaborate with other participants in chat rooms. These webinars can be combined and also offered in a ½ day or full day session.

Sessions in this series:

  • Implementation (1 hour)
  • Focus for Learning (2 hours)
  • Student Engagement (1 hour)
  • Instructional Strategies (1 hour)
  • Efficacy (2 hours)
  • Evidence of Impact (1 hour)

Get Started

Talk to your Corwin Professional Learning Advisor about developing leadership capacity in your school or district with Collaborative Leadership virtual consulting.


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