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How Our Virtual PD Works

We’re not just talking about webinars.

Don’t get us wrong, a webinar can be a great way to learn new ideas. (In fact, we have tons of webinars for you to check out—all free.) But webinars can be passive, “sit and get” presentations. When we’re talking about virtual PD, we’re talking about something different.

Corwin’s virtual consulting services are designed using evidence-based best practices of adult learning. Our virtual professional learning is:

See how our virtual professional learning services combine the principles of quality PD design with the energy of peer-to-peer learning.



    Sonja Hollins-Alexander, Director of Professional Learning at Corwin,
    describes the principles behind our virtual PD design.

    Virtual spaces allow for democratic, collaborative engagement

    When done right, virtual PD experiences can promote peer learning and collegial inquiry. Our virtual PD sessions allow participants to:

    • Collectively co-construct meaning of concepts
    • Learn through shared decision making, collaboration, and community
    • Engage peer interactions through reflections, discussions, discovery

    Learning progressions move educators from surface to deep to transfer levels of learning

    Our virtual consulting services are delivered in 1 ½- or 2-hour sessions over the course of several weeks, allowing educators to learn in bite-sized chunks and practice new skills between sessions. We design your custom virtual consulting sessions through a combination of keynotes to introduce concepts, live virtual workshops to dive deeper, and virtual implementation and coaching sessions to support the application of new skills, moving educators from surface to deep to transfer.

    Adapted from Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2008). Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.



    Ricky Robertson, a Corwin professional learning consultant, describes
    how he engages participants virtually.

    Skilled facilitators focus on behavioral, cognitive, and emotional engagement

    Virtual PD sessions can easily devolve into passive, “sit and get” sessions. That is why a skilled facilitator is critical for engaging participants on multiple levels:

    • Behavioral: Corwin consultants design experiences to be interactive, requiring active participation and self and collective reflection
    • Cognitive: Consultants utilize discussions, reflective questions, and artifacts (videos, lessons, etc.) to engage participants in co-constructing knowledge with peers
    • Emotional: Peer sharing creates trust. Our consultants facilitate teams around a common challenge or problem of practice to build collective efficacy 

    Adapted from Fisher, D., Frey, N., Quaglia, R.J., Smith, D., Lande, L.L. (2017). Engagement by Design: Creating Learning Environments Where Students Thrive. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. 

    Evidence-based programs support a wide range of needs

    From systemic school change to effective teaching practices, we’ve got you covered. Through our relationships with education’s most trusted experts, we’re able to offer a breadth of professional learning opportunities at both the school-wide and classroom levels:

    System Change

    School and Classroom


    Talk to your Corwin Professional Learning Advisor about your virtual PD options.