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Visible Learning Evidence Gathering

Visible Learning+ Evidence Gathering

Measure Growth 

How do you know that your time, energy, and resources are focused on what works best?  

Throughout your Visible Learning journey your school will learn to use various assessment tools to identify key areas of improvement. These evidence-gathering tools measure the actual and perceived extent to which high-impact practices are present in your school as well as the underpinning beliefs that have a dramatic effect on student learning and achievement. The results from these assessments are then used to help you identify the key elements to focus on for a completely customized professional learning action plan.



   Evidence Gathering Tools   


When Do I Use Evidence Gathering Tools? 

These tools are all used during the Foundation Series to help you establish your baseline, and then are administered once per a year during the School Impact Process.



Evidence Gathering Tools 

School Capability Assessment 

In-school consultant visit 

  • Determine the extent to which high-impact practices are present in your school.
  • A certified Visible Learning+ consultant will collect your data and present an unbiased, written baseline report to help you track progress and measure growth.
  • Given before the Foundation Series professional learning and once a year during the School Impact Process. 

Mindframes Survey 

Questionnaire for staff 

  • Measure the extent to which the attitudes, dispositions, and beliefs of teachers and school leaders are aligned with the ten powerful mindframes that John Hattie’s research indicates are associated with accelerated student outcomes.
  • Administered online during the same time the school is going through the Foundation Series, and then once a year after that. 

School Matrix 

Self-evaluation questionnaire 

  • Determine the extent to which you believe high-impact practices and the five key Visible Learning themes are present in your school and professional learning plan.This data can then be used to determine actual vs. Perceived impact when combined with the School Capability Assessment.
  • Given before the Foundation Series professional learning and once a year during the School Impact Process.


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