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24 Results Found for "C10"
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Julia Briggs lives and works in Bogotá, Colombia, she teaches Science and Chemistry and is the Head of IB Chemistry at Colegio Anglo Colombiano where she also works with departments and individual teachers as a coach and certified trainer of Concept Based Curriculum and Instruction.
Brooke O’Drobinak, M.A., has been in secondary education for over 25 years. Most recent, she has served in school administration, as Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Assistant Principal, for the past 13 years at a high functioning, inner city high school.
Kristen Swanson helps teachers design meaningful, interactive curricula at the local and national level. She has taught at the elementary level, served as a regional consultant for Response to Intervention, and worked as an educational technology director for a public school district in Pennsylvania.
Jason Ohler is a speaker, writer, teacher, researcher, and lifelong digital humanist who is well known for the passion, insight, and humor he brings to his presentations and writings. He works directly with teachers, administrators, and students.
A fixture in the performance poetry and education community, Michael Salinger has been writing and performing poetry and fiction for over twenty years. His work has appeared in dozens of literary journals published in the U.S. and Canada, and he has coauthored two professional books with Sara: Outspoken! and High-Definition.
Robert Manley brings years of experience as superintendent of schools, assistant superintendent for curriculum, high school principal and grade 5-12 teacher to inform his audience of multiple ways to encourage all students to learn.
Jane Pollock is a former ESL and classroom teacher, school and district administrator, and Senior Associate at McREL Laboratory. She specializes in improving student learning by using research to devise practical ways to advance teaching, coaching, and supervising learning in schools.
Cheryl Dunkle is an experienced teacher and principal with an extensive background in proven leadership practices that promote collaborative decision making to support enhanced learning for all students.
Julie Stern is an internationally recognized teacher trainer, keynote speaker, curriculum designer, and author. She partners with schools around the world in transforming teaching and learning to meet the needs of the 21st Century.
Cary Sneider has been a K-12 curriculum developer and teacher educator for more than 30 years. Although his passion is still astronomy education, in recent years he has become deeply involved in engineering.