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Archive Webinars

Adverse Childhood Experiences: Trauma-Informed Strategies for Teacher and Student Well-Being

Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 12:00pm

Presented by Ricky Robertson

Every member of a school staff has a role to play in creating an environment conducive to optimal teaching, learning and well-being. Ricky Robertson focuses on a whole-staff approach to foster resilience in both students living with ACEs and the professionals who work with them in Canada’s rural and urban schools.

New York 3:00pm EDT | London 8:00pm BST | Singapore 3:00am SGT |  Melbourne 6:00am AEDT

SONJA HOLLINS-ALEXANDER on Supporting Your Staff During Distance Teaching: Building a Virtual Community of Practice

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 11:00am

Presented by Sonja Hollins-Alexander

Teachers are facing unprecedented challenges as schools close and learning shifts to online environments. During this time of intense upheaval and isolation, it is critical that school and district leaders provide teachers with ongoing opportunities to rapidly re-establish connections with their peers so that they can collectively approach these challenges.

New York 2:00pm EDT | London 7:00pm BST | Singapore 2:00am +1 SGT |  Melbourne 5:00am AEDT

Visible Learning for Social Studies: Designing Student Learning for Conceptual Understanding

Monday, April 20, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Julie Stern

How do we maximize precious time to ensure that students grasp enough to prepare them for informed civic life? The discipline of social studies is far more than memorizing dates and facts. It involves the skillful ability to conduct investigations, analyze sources, place events in historical and cultural context, and synthesize various points of view, while recognizing our own biases. Join Julie Stern in this webinar to understand how using the right approach at the right time can maximize student learning.

Supporting Educator Resilience During Shelter in Place

Thursday, April 16, 2020 - 12:00pm

Presented by Ricky Robertson

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted schools across the nation and contributed to a general sense of uncertainty and anxiety. Join Ricky Robertson as he discusses ways to care for our well-being and support others through this challenging time.

Beautiful Questions in the Classroom: Transforming Classrooms into Cultures of Curiosity and Inquiry

Monday, April 6, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Warren Berger and Elise Foster

Why does engagement plummet as learners advance in school? Why does the stream of questions from curious toddlers slow to a trickle as they become teenagers? Most importantly, what can teachers and schools do to reverse this trend? Join Warren Berger and Elise Foster as they discuss how educators can transform their classrooms into cultures of curiosity.

New York 6:30pm EDT | London 11:30pm BST | Singapore 6:30am +1 SGT |  Melbourne 10am +1 AEDT