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Jane A. G. Kise

Kise, Jane

Jane Kise, an educational consultant with extensive experience in leadership, instructional coaching, differentiation, and effective mathematics instruction, is considered a worldwide expert in Jungial type and is certified in Neuroscience and Jungian Personality. She has authored and co-authored numerous books, written magazine articles, presented workshops, provided consulting services, and has received awards for her differentiated coaching research.  Her current research involves identification of differences in how students with different type preferences master mathematical concepts.

Areas of expertise
  • Leadership
  • Instructional Coaching
  • Differentiation
  • Effective Mathematics Instruction 


  • Differentiated School Leadership: Do you understand your leadership style and that of your colleagues and teachers? Come discover how your school can benefit from the constructive use of varied strengths and needs in building an effective leadership team and learn to use type tools to build a true learning community in your school.
  • Using Polarity Thinking to Leverage the Complexities of Leadership or, Stopping Resistance Before it Starts: Do you see differences as problems that need to be solved? This workshop will provide you with the tools needed to understand, identify, and “map” polarities and show you how to work with those polarities, using them to steer your team away from resistance and toward a common goal.
  • Intentional School Leadership: Are you meeting your leadership goals? Do you understand your own leadership strengths and blind spots? Research reveals that only a small percentage of leadership development programs have lasting impact on outcomes. Come discover the powerful research-based frameworks needed to develop a worthwhile leadership program that enhances teaching and learning.
  • Unleashing the Positive Power of Differences: Come learn how to examine new initiatives, strategies, and curriculums for polarities and how to use that information to plan professional development, determine action steps, and identify potential implementation imbalances. You will explore the steps involved in working with polarities to help move your organization toward a common greater purpose.
  • A Common Framework for Teaching and Learning or Differentiation through Personality Types: Not all students learn the same way!  Today’s differentiated classroom is comprised of students whose learning styles are as diverse as their personalities. This workshop will help you understand personality type theory and demonstrate how to adjust and differentiate your educational techniques to meet the needs of all students.
  • Alternative Agenda for Urban Education Settings: You can meet the needs of every personality type and be culturally responsive at the same time! Come learn to use personality type as an effective tool for identifying student behaviors as strengths rather than deficits, leading to productive strategies that increase student motivation and success in the multicultural classroom.
  • Creating Effective, Sustainable PLC’s: No teacher or student should be left behind!  This session will demonstrate how to use a personality type coaching framework to help your professional learning community improve communication, collaboration, and peer coaching. Come learn to recognize each other’s strengths and discover effective leadership distribution strategies that help students succeed.
  • Leadership Coaching for Collaboration: By understanding how different personality types approach work and life, you can learn to work more productively with others to achieve effective collaborative teaching and learning. This session will help you improve your own communication and collaboration skills and demonstrate collaboration strategies that honor diverse styles within your leadership community.
  • Differentiated Coaching: Teachers, like students, have different learning styles. Come learn to use personality type to discover differences in how teachers absorb information and make decisions, enabling you to adapt your communication and coaching roles to meet the needs and preferences of each teacher and create a differentiated approach to staff development. 
  • Common Core for All Using a Two-Step Differentiation Process: Do you really understand how all your students gather information to learn? Here, you will explore the use of Jungian personality type for understanding your strengths and challenges with the Common Core State Standards and those of your diverse students. Come learn to help all students achieve at higher levels.
  • Making the CCSS Mathematical Practices Work for Everyone: Have you noticed that not all of your students are the same?  Understanding Jungian type can help you recognize the different learning needs of students. Come learn how to develop differentiated mathematics teaching instruction practices that concentrate on the Common Core State Standards and are effective for even struggling students.