The foundational 5 phases underpin the Deep Equity process to establish a safe climate that allows staff and students to engage in open conversations about persistent inequities, identify the root causes of inequities in educational systems, focus on practical applications of culturally responsive practices for classroom teachers, and create a long-term, sustainable plan for systemic transformation.
Tone and Trust
Personal Culture and Personal Journey
Social Dominance to Social Justice
Classroom Implications and Applications
Systemic Transformation/Planning for Change
Develop School Leadership Teams in each school
Teams of 5-7 educators from each school within a district attend 7 days of School Leadership training led by a certified Deep Equity consultant to gain the process, protocols, language, and tools to engage in courageous, authentic, measurable, sustainable work in their buildings.
School Leadership Team members lead school reform at each site
School Leadership Team members engage the rest of their colleagues in sustained PD activities around addressing systemic barriers to achievement and creating culturally responsive learning environments.
Embed culturally responsive practices into everyday practice
Educators use culturally responsive practice strategies to create a culture of equity, inclusion, and excellence in every classroom and schoolwide.