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LeAnn Nickelsen

LeAnn Nickelsen, M.Ed. is a former teacher and currently provides staff development nationally on topics including brain research, reading and vocabulary strategies, how food affects learning, and differentiated instruction. She was a classroom teacher in three states and won a Teacher of the Year Award in Texas. LeAnn is known as “the teacher’s teacher” because of her practical, research-based examples that teachers can easily implement in their classrooms. She has a passion for both instilling the love for learning as well as helping teachers succeed. She currently resides in Ridgefield, Connecticut and parents her school age twins.

She is the member of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) and presenter for Staff Development for Educators (SDE). She is the author of eight books published by Scholastic, Inc. including Memorizing Strategies & Other Brain-Based Activities and a four-series set called Comprehension Mini-Lessons. She has written articles for parenting magazines and The Praeger Handbook of Learning and the Brain.

Currently, LeAnn does staff development and may be reached at or call 203-790-0119. To purchase any of LeAnn’s books go to her website: