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The Dyscalculia Toolkit

The Dyscalculia Toolkit
Supporting Learning Difficulties in Maths

Fourth Edition
Additional resources:

April 2021 | 256 pages | Corwin UK

Designed for all teachers, this book provides a wealth of materials and resources to support the needs of learners, aged 6 to 14 years, who have difficulty with maths and number.

Packed full with 220 activities and 55 games, the author provides you with a complete toolkit to enable you to understand dyscalculia and implement practical and innovative strategies to use in the classroom or at home.

This fourth edition is updated with new content including:

-          more on dice and board games, multiplication and division;

-          new downloadable and printable teaching materials (including tracking sheets, activity sheets, game boards and teaching resources);

-          updated videos.

Section I: Early Number Work with Numbers Up to 10

What are the main problems?

Activity – Make dot patterns for the numbers 1 to 10

Activity – Focus on key component facts

Activity – Make transparent dot pattern cards for the numbers 1 to 5

Game – Make 5

Activity – Explore smaller numbers inside larger numbers

Game – Numbers Inside

Activity – Change one dot pattern into another

Activity – Change dot patterns by adding or subtracting

Activity – Use dot patterns to explore the idea of odd and even

Game – Collect 5s

Game – Key Components Guessing Game

Activity – Sort and re-sort a set of dominoes

Activity – Connect subtraction to addition

Activity – Regroup: Apply logic to find new component facts from given facts

Activities – Become familiar with Cuisenaire rods

Activity – Explore odd and even with Cuisenaire rods and with money

Game – Odd and Even Collectors

Game – Draw Your Race on a Number Line

Activities – Use Cuisenaire rods to learn all components of the numbers 1–10

Activity – Make a ‘Story’ of a number

Game – Race to Tell a Story

Activity – Make and read equations with Cuisenaire rods

Activity – Draw and record equations informally

Game – Key Facts Triad Game

Game – Post-It Note Subtraction

Activities – Record equations in writing

Activity – Make up word problems to match a given number fact

Game – Cover the Numbers, or Shut the Box

Game – Clear the Deck

Activity – Make a bead string, in two colours, of 10 beads

Activities – Learn complements of 10 with the bead string

Game – How Many Beads? How Many Are Hidden?

Activity – Find complements of 10 with Cuisenaire rods

Game – Complements Number Search

Game – Complements Ping-Pong

Game – Ten in a Bed

Activities – Explore and learn the doubles up to 5 plus 5

Activities – Estimate and measure using Cuisenaire rods

Activities – Focus on plus/minus 1 and plus/minus 2

Game – Who Has the Most Equations?

Game – Domino Tens

Activity – Compare the difference and equalise

Activities – Hidden quantity subtraction

Activity – Teach complementary addition

Activity – Complementary addition on a number line

Activity – Make up word problems about missing numbers

Activity – Use reasoning to find near-complements and near-doubles

Activity – Identify the best strategy for different situations

Activities – Use money for component work

SECTION 2: Basic Calculation with Numbers Above 10

What are the main problems?

How to help

Activity – Connect the numbers 10–20 with the numbers below 10

Game – Polka Dots

Game – Regroup

Activities – Focus on the ‘teen’ numbers

Activities – Explore the numbers between 10 and 20 with Cuisenaire rods

Activity – Learn the doubles up to 10 plus 10

Game – Double Take

Game – It All Adds Up

Activities – Locate 2-digit numbers and put them in context

Activities – Complements to 20

Activity – Complements to larger multiples of 10

Activity – Complements on a number line

Activity – Introduce bridging through 10 with Cuisenaire rods

Game – Five and What’s Left

Activity – Bridge through 10 on a number line

Activity – Practise bridging and reinforce the commutativity of addition

Game – Frame an Addition

Activity – Bridge through multiples of 10 on a number line

Game – Race Along a Number Line and Bridge

Game – Race to the End of the Number Line

Activity – Complementary addition, or subtraction by adding

Game – Frame a Subtraction

Activity – Complementary addition for subtracting round numbers

Activity – Harder complementary addition on a number line

Activities – Complements to 100

Game – Keep the Change!

Activities – Practise and extend the doubles facts

Activity – Halving is the opposite of doubling

Activity – Find half of round numbers

Activity – Function machines for doubling and halving

Activity – Use reasoning to find near-complements and near-doubles

Activity – 9 is almost 10

Activity – The Basic 8 strategies

Activity – Identify which strategy works best in different situations

Game – Subtraction Equations

Activity – A flexible approach to partitioning

Activities – Explore partitioning methods for 2-digit mental additions

Activity – Teach an expanded written method for column addition

Activity – Avoid decomposition in subtraction

SECTION 3: Place Value

A note about the threefold nature of the column labelling system

What are the main problems?

How to help

Activities – Exchange units into tens

Activities – Concrete counting on place value mats

Game – Magic 10s

Activities – Make a 20-step staircase and explore the ‘teen’ number names

Activity – Cover 20

Game – Race to Cover 100

Game – Four Throws to Reach 100

Activities – Make and read numbers made of Cuisenaire rods or base-10 materials

Games – Dice and spinner games

Activities – Practise subtraction and decomposition with concrete materials

Game – Spot the Decomposition

Activities – Use a spike abacus

Game – Win Counters on a 100-Square

Game – Race through a 100-Square

Activities – Practise adding and subtracting 10 and 100

Game – Steer the Number

Activity – Transform a 2-digit number in two steps

Activity – Teach the threefold repeating pattern: units, tens and hundreds

Activities – Explore place value as a shorthand

Activities – Read and write multi-digit numbers

Activities – Build up large numbers, one column at a time

Activity – What is the value of …?

Game – Two-Digit Sequences

Game – Three-Digit Sequences (Focus on Tens)

Game – Place Value Boxes

Game – Calculator Skittles

Activity – Partition numbers into tens and units in various ways

Activity – Split off the ‘teen’ numbers

Game – Jump 10

Activities – Locate any number on a number line

Activity – Round up or down

Game – The Six-Card Rounding Game

Game – The Rounding Challenge

Activity – Teach x 10 and divded by 10 as a shift between columns

Activity – Extend place value thinking to decimals

Activity – Connect decimal place value notation to money

Game – Rounding Races

SECTION 4: Times Tables, Multiplication and Division

What are the main problems?

How to help

Activities – Build small numbers out of equal-sized groups

Activity – Connect division to multiplication from the very beginning

Activity – Illustrate simple word problems

Activity – Use Cuisenaire rods to show that multiplication is commutative

Activities – Use Cuisenaire rods to connect multiplication and division

Activity – Diagrammatic recording of multiplication and division

Activity – Connect step-counting and repeated addition with times tables

Activity – Practise mental step-counting from given tables facts

Activities – Make times tables patterns on a 100-square

Activities – Make times tables patterns on number lines

Activities – Key fact: Double means ‘multiply by 2’

Activity – Key facts: x5 is half of x10

Activity – How many 10s? So, twice as many 5s

Activity – Key facts division practice

Activity – x9 is almost x10

Game – Don’t Walk if You Can Take the Bus

Activity – Find all the steps of any times table by reasoning from key facts

Activity – Practise all the steps of any times table by reasoning from key facts

Activity – Find division facts by reasoning from key facts

Game – Mouse Tables

Activity – Construct a multiplication grid

Activity – Complete a partially filled multiplication grid

Games using self-correcting cards to practise individual times tables

Game – Multiples from the 1–6 Times Tables

Activity – Harder mixed tables practice

Game – Products in a Row

Game – Factors

Activities – Change the shape of the multiplication rectangle

Game – Areas on a Grid

Activity – Use rectangle sketches to help derive new multiplication facts

Activity – Use rods to explore short division

Activity – Teach an expanded written notation for short division

Activity – Use rectangle sketches to support short division

Activity – Compare division sketches to multiplication sketches

Activity – Teach the divisibility rules

Game – Divisibility Rules

Activity – Boxes for long multiplication

Recommended Books and Resources
Appendix: Introduction to Concrete Manipulative Materials

Good supportive text for those on numeracy courses.

Mrs Jan Beechey
Education and Training, Dyslexia Action
October 21, 2022

I have used the previous edition of this book and it is an excellent source of practical activities and guidance. It works alongside the resource book

Mrs Geraldine Anita Parks
Department of Education, St Mary's University College (Belfast)
July 2, 2021

This fourth edition is updated with new content including:

-          more on dice and board games, multiplication and division;

-          new downloadable and printable teaching materials (including tracking sheets, activity sheets, game boards and teaching resources);

-          updated videos.

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This book is not available as an inspection copy. For more information contact your local sales representative.