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Evaluating Instructional Leadership Alignment

In the forward for Ray and Julie’s book, Evaluating Instructional Leadership, Professor John Hattie poses a question:

One of the greatest powers of a school leader is that they have the power to create the narrative in their schools. Is it a narrative of curriculum, test, scores, bus timetables, tracking—the peripherals of schools that need school on student learning—learning in the widest senses?

The Smiths' research and seminars desmonstrate: leaders who focus their attention on evaluating teacher impact on student learning are more likely to be successful at enhancing that impact.


Visible Learning

Utilizes the research of John Hattie: EIL illustrates the mindframes that underpin leaders' actions and decisions, while focusing on the leadership practices that matter most.

Instructional Coaching

Incorporates the framework of Jim Knight: By highlighting the important role coaching plays in supporting leaders' impact, leaders are empowered to implement high-impact leadership practices. 

Student Voice

Supports the thinking and work of Russ Quaglia: Focusing on student, parent, and teacher feedback, "voice" data is collected, analyzed, and acted upon to improve leadership impact.


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