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Beautiful Questions in the Classroom: Transforming Classrooms into Cultures of Curiosity and Inquiry

Beautiful Questions in the Classroom: Transforming Classrooms into Cultures of Curiosity and Inquiry

Monday, April 6, 2020 - 3:30pm

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Why does engagement plummet as learners advance in school? Why does the stream of questions from curious toddlers slow to a trickle as they become teenagers? Most importantly, what can teachers and schools do to reverse this trend? Join Warren Berger and Elise Foster as they discuss how educators can transform their classrooms into cultures of curiosity.

Participants will learn:

  • The importance of questioning and how inquiry leads to learning, innovation, and personal growth
  • Strategies to inspire bigger, more beautiful student questions
  • Tools to help educators themselves to become better questioners


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Los Angeles  3:30pm PDT | New York 6:30pm EDT | London 11:30pm BST | Singapore 6:30am +1 SGT |  Melbourne 10am +1 AEDT

We wish we could bring all of us together at a convenient time. If you're not able to make it, just register and we'll send you the recording afterwards.