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The Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning

The Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning
Professional Learning that Promotes Success for All

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June 2015 | 328 pages | Corwin

A proven approach to transformative professional learning that raises achievement for all students!

Does professional learning at your school promote teacher growth and propel student achievement?  If you’re ready for a change, turn to trusted educators Colton, Langer, and Goff, pioneers of an extraordinarily effective design for professional learning: Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning (CASL). 

You’ll find complete strategies, resources and more in this evidence-based book that addresses the Common Core State Standards. Learn how to:

  • Benefit from the lessons learned by the authors over  two decades of nationwide implementation as you design a sustainable CASL program that drives positive change at your school
  • Inquire into student work and assessments to promote learning excellence for all
  • Use the CASL Teacher as Collaborative Inquirer framework to promote culturally competent, academically rigorous teaching 
  • Develop and implement new instructional strategies that mesh with Common Core standards

Discover how to put CASL in place at your school, helping faculty – and students – to reach their full potential. 

“This book is extraordinary and a must have for every practitioner striving to improve student learning!  Colton, Langer, and Goff provide explicit guidance on building a culture of collaborative inquiry to empower teachers and leaders to explore their own practices in a way that fosters meaningful and relevant learning for students.”
Victoria Duff, Coordinator of Professional Learning
New Jersey Principal and Supervisors Association

“Teacher collaborative professional learning leads to improved teaching and student learning when it is skillfully orchestrated. In this book, Colton, Langer, and Goff provide an essential resource rich with strategies, tactics, tools, and examples to guide both facilitators and team members to structure collaborative inquiry, analysis, and learning in ways that deepen their learning and practice and increase results for all students."
Joellen Killion, Senior Advisor
Learning Forward

1. The Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning: Essential Features and Benefits
Why is the Collaborative Analysis of Student Necessary?

What are the Essential Features of CASL?

A Conceptual Framework: Teacher as Collaborative Inquirer

Structured Inquiry

A Focus on Standards of Excellence

Case-Study for Equitable Responsiveness

Inquiry Over Time

Productive and Intentional Collaboration

Skilled Facilitation And Organizational Support

What are the Benefits of CASL?

Studies of CASL 2004-Present

Benefits to Students

Benefits to Teachers

Commitment to and Confidence in Ability to Promote Student Learning

Cultural Competency

Professional Knowledge

Alignment Among Standards, Assessments, and Instruction

Collaborative Sharing of Expertise

Professional Awareness and Self-Assessment

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification

Benefits to Parents and Organizations


2. Why CASL Works. The Framework: Teacher as Collaborative Inquirer
A Vision of The Collaborative Inquirer

The Framework: Teacher as a Collaborative Inquirer

Professional Knowledge Base for Teaching

The Collaborative Inquiry Cycle: Constructing Meaning

Share Background


Analyze and Interpret

Draw On Their Knowledge Base




Filtering System



Dispositions 0f Collaborative Inquirers

Moral Stance

Collective Responsibility

Cultural Competency


Develop Collaborative Inquirers


3. Working Agreements and Communication for Collaborative Inquiry
Working Agreements

Communication Skills


Committed Learning

Non-Productive Listening

Judgmental Listening

Autobiographical Listening

Inquisitive Listening

Solution Listening


Matching Verbal and Nonverbal Cues



Probing for Clarity

Empowering Probes (Presuppositions)

Probing for Beliefs

Putting Ideas on The Table

Putting It All Together


4. Leadership and Support
Develop and Uphold a Shared Vision

Apply Both Pressure And Support to Reach The Vision

Promote Teachers’ Curiosity and Collective Responsibility

Analysis of Student Data

Examination Of The Unknown

Review of Relevant Research

Supporting Teachers’ Engagement in CASL

Develop Interest In CASL

Establish Collaborative Teams

Identify The Target Learning Area

Provide Resources

Meeting Expenses

Compensation For Facilitator and Participants

Professional Learning Opportunities and Materials

Provide Incentives and Celebrate Victories

Model A Commitment to Collaborative Inquiry


5. Facilitation of Collaborative Inquiry
Selection of A Study Group Fracilitator

The Art of Facilitation

The Directive Approach

The Collaborative Approach

The Nondirective Approach

Flexing For Various Purposes

Identify A Teacher’s Assumption

Identify Gaps in Teachers’ Professional Knowledge Base

Facilitating The Flow of Curiosity

Preparation For Facilitation of CASL

Planning With The School Leadership

Teachers’ Expertise and Prior Experience

Contextual Background


Composition of Study Groups

Scheduling and Pacing of CASL Sessions

Arranging Space for CASL Sessions

Gathering Necessary Materials

Getting Acquainted with The Teachers

The CASL Session Design and Supportive Tools

Opening Session

Engaging In Professional Learning

Organizing for The Next Session

Group and Individual Documentation

Public Notes of Group Thinking

Individual Notes and Written Reflections

Developing Consistent Use of the Working Agreements and Communication Skills

Growing In Your Facilitation

Start Small


Engage the Leaders

Pursue Additional Learning

Inquire Into the Group’s Learning and Your Role in Facilitating It


The 5 CASL Phases

Adapting The CASL Phases For Local Needs

The CASL Introductory Session

Preparation and Materials

Teacher Learning Outcomes


How to Use Chapters 6-9

6. Phase I: Establishing a Focus for CASL Inquiry
Phase I Overview

Phase I Preparation and Materials

Phase I Teacher Learning Outcomes

Guiding A Study Group Through Phase I

Protocol Step 1. Share Background

Protocol Step 2. Observe Patterns In Data

Protocol Step 3. Analyze The Power of the TLA as a Focus for Inquiry

Protocol Step 4. Plan TLA Outcomes and Assessments

Protocol Step 5. Reflect

Assessment Knowledge and Experience

Inconsistent Use of Scoring Criteria (Lack of Reliability)

When A Rubric Is Mandated

No Test Data Available

Teachers New To District Content Outcomes and Curriculum


Chapter 7. Phase II: Defining Teachers’ Professional Learning Goals

7. Phase II: Defining Teachers’ Professional Learning Goals
Phase II Overview

Phase II Preparation and Materials

Phase II Teacher Learning Outcomes

Professional Knowledge Base

Skills for Collaborative Inquiry

Filters and Dispositions

Guiding A Study Group Through Phase II

Opening The Session

Protocol Step 1. Share Background

Protocol Step 2. Observe Patterns In Initial Assessment Data

Protocol Step 3. Analyze Professional Learning Goals

Protocol Step 4. Plan for Professional Learning

Protocol Step 5. Reflect

Phase II: Adaptations

Curriculum Revision

Lack of Experience with Assessment

Considerable Experience with Assessment

Hesitation to Share Student Work

Limited Time

Multiple Scores For Each Student

Mandated Assessment or Scoring Rubric

Changing the Focus Student

Chapter Summary

8. Phase III: Inquiring Into Teaching For Learning
Phase III Overview

Phase III Preparation and Materials

Group Member Preparation


Phase III Teacher Learning Outcomes

Professional Knowledge Base

Skills for Collaborative Inquiry

Filters and Dispositions

Guiding A Study Group Through Phase III

Phase II: Adaptations

Chapter Summary

9. Phases IV. Assessing Learning Progress and CASL Phase V. Integrating Learning Into Teachers’ Professional Practice
Phase IV Overview

Phase IV Preparation and Materials

Phase IV Teacher Learning Outcomes

Guiding A Study Group Through Phase IV

Phase IV: Adaptations

Teacher Learning Outcomes

Guiding A Study Group Through Phase V

Chapter Summary

Appendix. Responses To Exercises in Chapters 7-8

"Teacher collaborative professional learning leads to improved teaching and student learning when it is skillfully orchestrated. In this book, Colton, Langer, and Goff provide an essential resource rich with strategies, tactics, tools, and examples to guide both facilitators and team members to structure collaborative inquiry, analysis, and learning in ways that deepen their learning and practice and increase results for all students."

Joellen Killion, Senior Advisor
Learning Forward

"Research has shown for many years that the isolation of teachers is one of the biggest obstacles to improving teacher effectiveness.  This book provides practical insights and recommendations on how teachers can work together to increase their impact on student learning.  For educators seeking strategies for improving teaching and learning, this important new book will be an invaluable resource."

Pedro A. Noguera, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Education
UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
Key features

(1) A comprehensive guide to implementing a research-based approach to professional learning that drives educator effectiveness and promotes learning for every student.

(2) Aligned with the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning, the CASL (Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning) model has been directly linked to student improvement.

(3) Includes step-by-step guidance to implementation supported by numerous tools (many of which are new to this edition), protocols, and rich examples.

(4) The new edition will be thoroughly updated with special focus on the following:
--how to use the CASL inquiry process to  help teachers clarify what it looks like when students reach complex academic standards such as the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards
--Use of CASL in teacher evaluation
--use of the CASL inquiry process to helps teachers to specify and define their professional learning goals.
--how school leaders, e.g., principals and teacher leaders, can play pivotal roles in successful implement of CASL
--how CASL can specifically benefit Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners.
--significant updates to facilitation coverage

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1


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ISBN: 9781483358178
CAD$ 59.95

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