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Diane S. Bassett

Bassett, Diane
Diane S. Bassett is a professor in the School of Special Education at the University of Northern Colorado. She has taught general and special education in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary institutions, and in both public and private schools. She currently coordinates the Generalist Masters Program and teaches coursework in secondary services, adolescent and adult development, transition from school to adulthood for students with exceptionalities, self-advocacy and self-determination, and transition services in a standards-based system. Bassett is the coauthor of two books, Student-Focused Conferencing and Planning and Aligning Transition and Standards-Based Education: Issues and Strategies. Her other publications center on self-determination, effective services for students with mild/moderate disabilities, and efficacy-based transition practices. Bassett is a past president of the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) and was also honored with the Oliver P. Kolstoe Award from DCDT for her work in transition. At UNCO, she has been awarded the Provost’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Education, the College of Education Outstanding Scholar Award and Outstanding Service Award, the Mortar Board Award, and the Panhellenic Outstanding Professor Award.