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Tutoring PD 

How Tutoring Works Workshop

Build students’ confidence and competence with tutoring strategies that spark meaningful, accelerated learning

Your personalized How Tutoring Works workshop with a certified consultant will support your individual school or district to effectively address and prevent unfinished learning where students are provided extra time to learn through tutoring. Utilizing the key concepts from How Tutoring Works: Six Steps to Grow Motivation and Accelerate Student Learning, you and your team will put the learnings into practice, establish a relationship of credibility, and build your students’ confidence and competence.

The How Tutoring Works professional learning workshop includes: 

  • Live, synchronous, interactive virtual or face-to-face sessions with a consultant that explore the six essential components of tutoring interventions
  • Learning strategies, with Visible Learning effect sizes, for teaching and learning content, including specific strategies for improving reading, writing, and mathematics
  • An opportunity for your team to focus on helping students develop powerful cognitive, metacognitive, and affective study skills


Start your How Tutoring Works journey today

Workshop Description

Tutoring is much more than telling students information. Effective tutoring begins with the strong and caring relationship a tutor establishes with a learner to build trust, fuel motivation, and drive critical learning. When we develop strong relationships, focus on students’ confidence, establish shared goals, teach students well, and ensure that they practice, amazing things can happen.

Through this professional learning workshop, you will engage in an active and empowering learning experience that will help your school(s): 

  1. Identify the goals of tutoring and put strategic moves in place to build students’ confidence and competence
  2. Learn the six essential components of effective tutoring
  3. Repair students’ relationship to learning
  4. Explore the evidence on successful acceleration of learning


Explore the six essential components of effective tutoring

Tutoring Components