Facilitator's Guide to Differentiating the High School Classroom
Solution Strategies for 18 Common Obstacles
- Kathie F. Nunley - Educational consultant and teacher trainer, Help4Teachers.com, Brains.org
Differentiation | Multimedia Kits & Facilitator's Guides | Teaching in Secondary Schools
Help teachers overcome the 18 most common obstacles to differentiating instruction for high school students!
Designed to accompany the best-selling book Differentiating the High School Classroom: Solution Strategies for 18 Common Obstacles, this facilitator's guide provides staff developers with the necessary tools to demonstrate how teachers can confidently meet the challenge of differentiating instruction in high school classrooms. Facilitators will be able to address concerns voiced by real teachers, such as "I have too much content to cover," or "I can't grade all those different assignments," or "I thought I was differentiating." Use this guide to help participants review and understand critical pedagogical and curriculum issues as you lead discussions about effective ways to
- Identify individual students' learning styles
- Approach content in ways that give students choices
- Vary the process for achieving learning objectives
- Create different methods to assess what students learn
- Use assessments as teaching tools
This chapter-by-chapter study guide features
- Chapter summaries
- Discussion questions
- Timed activities
- Prompts for journal writing
- Practical applications
- Overheads and activity sheets
- A workshop evaluation form
Whether used to help lead independent studies, one-day workshops, or extended workshops, this guide gives facilitators a solid background to successfully lead trainings for groups of any size—pairs, small workshops, or large seminars.
"I have always recommended layered curriculum as the best way to differentiate at the middle and high school levels, but this book really offers not only an explanation of the strategy, but also real steps to making it work."
"Packed with thought-provoking questions and relevant activities, this superb complement to Kathie Nunley’s book will definitely help facilitators give high school teachers the confidence to successfully differentiate their classroom instruction. "