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23 Results Found for "CF6"
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Luis Pérez is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Special Education at the University of South Florida. His specialities include technology professional development for teachers, assistive technology, universal design, web accessibility, and disability studies.
A fixture in the performance poetry and education community, Michael Salinger has been writing and performing poetry and fiction for over twenty years. His work has appeared in dozens of literary journals published in the U.S. and Canada, and he has coauthored two professional books with Sara: Outspoken! and High-Definition.
Kelley King is the author of three books, an international speaker, a certified online instructor, and an educator with 30 years of experience (15 years in school administration) in both public and private schools. Kelley is a certified Corwin consultant in the areas of Visible Learning and Teacher Evaluation.
Avis Glaze is a well-known international leader in education who has worked with educators across the globe for system improvement and to achieve excellence and equity in student outcomes.
Jenni Donohoo, PhD, is a best-selling author and professional learning facilitator with more than 15 years’ experience in leading school change. Jenni is the past president of Learning Forward Ontario. In addition to her consulting work, Jenni is on secondment to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Branch in the Ontario Ministry of Education.
Bonnie Davis is a passionate consultant who offers educators culturally responsive, standards-based strategies that bridge culture, language, race, and ethnicity.
Jane Bluestein is an award-winning author with over 40 years of experience in education. She shares her expertise worldwide as a keynoter and seminar leader on topics such as classroom management, school climate, motivation, and discipline.
Julie Stern is an internationally recognized teacher trainer, keynote speaker, curriculum designer, and author. She partners with schools around the world in transforming teaching and learning to meet the needs of the 21st Century.
Gary R. Howard serves as a keynote speaker, writer, and workshop leader. He has over 40 years of experience in civil rights, social justice, equity, education, and diversity. Before becoming a consultant, he founded the REACH Center for Multicultural Education and served as an Adjunct Professor at Western Washington University and Seattle University.
Steve Ventura is a highly motivational and knowledgeable speaker who approaches high stakes professional development with practical, research-based strategies. Steve is a former elementary, middle, and high school teacher. His administrative experience encompass those of assistant principal, principal, director, and superintendent.